I recommend this school without a doubt!!! it’s been a true BLESSING to my family and I hope to work there myself next year just to give back to all the staff what they have given me, TRUE HAPPINESS!!!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!! WE ARE DEFINITELY GOING TO MISS YOU IF I DON’T GET A POSITION IN THIS SCHOOL!!!! THE ENTIRE STAFF ARE AMAZING!!!!
— Tina P.L.
I’ve been with this school since 6th grade. After going through middle school, my mother and I had decided to try a more traditional high school. Then, after a semester at another local high school my mother and I decided to switch me back over to Newpoint/Palm Bay Prep. The more traditional high school had bigger classes, meaning I got less one-on-one time with my teachers. At the other high school, I felt very distant from my teachers compared to Palm Bay where all the teachers know me, they know what I like, etc.
At the traditional school I felt like just a body in a crowd, here at Palm Bay I feel like me.
Something I’ve enjoyed being a part of at Palm Bay is the theatre and Improv group. Mr. Blanks has taught me how to set goals and achieve them. He has taught me how to think on my feet, and how to work with others to accomplish a goal.
Mrs. Booini is also one of my favorite teachers. Not only has she taught me how to write essays, but she has taught me how important it is to vote, and to be involved in my community. I can come to her with any problem and she will do her best to help me through it.
Palm Bay is full of teachers who care and are excepting of everyone. They care and want to get to know their students on a person level that you just won’t find at other schools.
— Kourtney Slay
I left Palm Bay/Newpoint at the time, for what felt like the right reasons at the time. I went to Bay High School, and ended up in A.I.C.E. despite not signing up for it. I thank anyone who’s listening for that, because it spared me the worst of what was to come.
It took about a month for my logic to break down — each individual reason I had for leaving Newpoint proved utterly hollow. I wanted to be around different people, but the student body was awful, the teachers didn’t have time for anyone one student and I had no time to do what I wanted. My life become solely homework, interrupted by seven hours of suffering through the same lectures every day, delivered by apathetic teachers who couldn’t wait for you to leave.
I suffered through for one semester before I broke and came crawling back to Newpoint with bruised pride. I didn’t understand how much the staff at this school cared about us. I took it for granted and left expecting the same treatment.
Maybe you don’t see it yet, either, or maybe you do. I’m one of four who left for Bay and came back. We all had different reasons for leaving, but we all had the same reason for coming back. We wanted to be somewhere people really care about us!
— Clay Adams

As a junior who has attended [Palm Bay] for my entire high school education, I have nothing but praise for the school and it’s faculty. The medium through which we learn at [Palm Bay], the computer, can be found in each classroom at all of our desks as opposed to tucked away in a single computer lab like at more “traditional” high schools. Our learning methods are up to date with the twenty first century world where computers are used in every business and our tools are only progressing each year. Here at [Palm Bay], our education system prepares us for a future in the working world. Students are taught to cooperate with their all of their peers, because in the real world you don’t always get to work with only the people you choose. Students at [Palm Bay] are given a window in which to complete a number of assignments, which teaches responsibility and time management. Many students here have learned that if you allot time to socialize, you need to allot double the time to complete your assignments in a professional and timely fashion. Additionally, enterprising students are given an almost unprecedented level of access to dual enrolled classes through Gulf Coast State College and an encouraging and knowledgeable staff to help with your collegiate level courses. In conclusion, I am a student who has held student government presidency for two years consecutively, a member of the National Honors Society and a student with a semester of college already behind me, and I attribute all of my success to [Palm Bay], truly it’s a school for students with a bright future.
— James Perdue
After completing three semesters at Gulf Coast, I decided to take a break from school to accept a job from corporate Chick-fil-a as a grand opening trainer. Over the past year and a half I have spent over 12 weeks traveling with Chick-fil-a to five different states as well as maintained my full time job at Chick-fil-a locally in between travel times. Along side of that, I have been growing my own photography business since my senior year in high school and in the past two years have blossomed with a healthy sized clientele that keeps me very busy. I have had the privilege to shoot a variety of subjects and occasions ranging from weddings, to births, to babies. Although I have played with the idea of various other careers and paths for my future, I cannot deny that my true passion lies in my love for photography. I have decided to pursue this passion by attending school for my degree in business in hopes to one day own my own photography studio. I am not sure exactly what the future has in store for me, or when or how I will reach my goals, but I have confidence that with determination and great heart, I will reach my destination. I am continually thankful for my time at [Palm Bay] and the bonds that were formed within those walls. I have fond memories of the well spirited people who have helped me thus far on my journey and I still keep in contact with those special teachers and staff members who forever touched my life.
— Kaydeebeth Albritton